I use direnv to manage my shell environment for projects. When using a Jupyter notebook within a project, I realized that the environment variables in my .envrc file were not being made available to my notebooks. The following worked for me as a low-effort way to load my environment into the notebook in a way that wouldn’t risk secrets being committed to source control, since I gitignore the .envrc file.

The code below assumes an .envrc file exists in the project root, containing

export MY_VAR="test_val"

Let’s run the example

%pip install python_dotenv
import os
print(f"value: {os.environ.get("MY_VAR")}")
value: None
from dotenv import load_dotenv
print(f"value after dotenv load: {os.environ.get("MY_VAR")}")
value after dotenv load: test_val

Quick and easy!