Delta is an Electron app (initially started as a Next.js app) that enables a straightforward UX for conversation branching with language models. Conversation branch means rewinding a conversation to a previous response then continuing in another direction by sending a different message to the model. While this UX is supported by most LLM chat providers via an edit mechanism, what is different about Delta is that it provides a visual representation of conversation branches and makes it easy to navigate between them.

The interface is composed primarily of a chat and canvas. There is also a tracked list of past conversations. Currently, the best way to try it out is to follow this README.

The tool supports multiple model providers, image inputs (for models that support them) and models served by an ollama server.

I also wrote more about conversation branching and why I think this approach is useful here.

Screenshot of Delta app showing the canvas view with multiple conversation branches and nodes

Screenshot of Delta app showing the chat interface with model responses and user inputs

Tech: Electron, Electron Forge, Vercel AI SDK, Ollama