I weirdly was running into an issue where whenever a ⌘F search didn’t return a result, my screen would flash white. It was irritating me for several days. Fortunately, I was able to find a solution that addressed it.

sudo killall coreaudiod

I was writing code with claude-3.5-sonnet and prompted it to add input validation for input arguments.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet Code Completion

Most of the code what straight forward and I was expecting the one sentence prompt to get me 5-10 lines of code with path validation, I did not expect these lines.

    valid_models = ["llava", "llava-llama3", "moondream"]  # Add or modify as needed
    if model_name not in valid_models:
        print(f"Error: Invalid model name. Choose from: {', '.join(valid_models)}")

These surprised me specifically, because I had just installed these three models via the commands

ollama pull llava
ollama pull llava-llama3
ollama pull moondream

At first I thought this code must exist somewhere else online, but I couldn’t find after a bit of searching. Then I figured Sonnet must have been trained on the Ollama model page, but there are actually more vision models on that page that I hadn’t yet installed, like llava-phi3, so it didn’t seem obvious that Sonnet was trained on this data from the website.

I’ll need to dig a little deeper but I have to assume Cursor was sending my recent shell command history to the model along with file contents. It’s hard to imagine this works any other way.