I found a very satisfying, time-saving use of a model though Cursor to generate an inline shell script to reformat some data for me. The goal was to reformat json files that looked like this


to ones that look like this

{"cells" [...]}

I used the following prompts:

for each json file in the current folder, read the json (which is a json list) and turn it into a json object with a single key, “cells” whose value is the json list

the final files should have the same names as the originals

The model output this script

for file in *.json; do jq '{cells: .}' "$file" > "temp_$file" && mv "temp_$file" "$file"; done

and that was it.

30 seconds, problem solved. One minor concern I have is since I didn’t have to research or deeply understand the code being run, I probably won’t remember this trick for next time. I suppose if I might not remember even if I did do the research if I only needed to do this one time.

I don’t know much about chess other than basic rules and I haven’t played much either. Regardless, I enjoyed this video by Paralogical on analyzing billions of games to discover “rare” moves.